Social Development – Part 3 – “Learning from Hokkaido many entrepreneurs are born, the law of entrepreneurship does not fail”






■合資会社 Neeth 最高経営責任者 (

NPO法人サッポロビズカフェ 理事運営議長(






1979年 広島県広島市出身

2003年 北海道大学法学部卒業後、「テキヤ」をしながら祭りを体感する放浪生活を送る。

2004年 東証上場企業に就職するも、2年後に退職。

2006年       札幌のベンチャー企業の取締役として長期実践型インターンシップ事業の運営統括を行う。

2007年       合資会社Neethを設立。


2008年       NPO法人札幌ビズカフェの理事に就任。




2009年       東京農業大学の運営する「農商工連携等イノベーター養成講座」のプロジェクトマネージャーに就任(オホーツク地域)。

2010年       内閣府地域社会雇用創造事業「ソーシャルビジネス大学インキュベーション」委員に就任

















 At GaiaX Inc., 3rd School of Social Development was held on February 20, 2012.

This time the title of the School of Social Development, “learn from Hokkaido many entrepreneurs are born, the law of entrepreneurship does not fail.”

I learned the law of entrepreneurship Hirokazu Ishii, welcome to our instructors come to practice social entrepreneurship to achieve in the method of business, the way of new public in Hokkaido, not fail.

  • Lecturers –

Hirokazu Ishii (ISHII HIROKAZU)

■ Chief Executive Officer Neeth joint-stock company (

Cafe corporate management board chairman Sapporo Biz NPO (

■ social entrepreneurship to achieve in the method of business, the way of new public · current work

(Project development of social problem-solving business, human resource development business entrepreneur type)

Twitter: ishiihirokazoo



Born in Hiroshima in 1979

Wandering life to experience the festival while the “racketeer” After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Hokkaido University in 2003.

Also to work for companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2004, two years after retirement.

Do hands-on long-term responsible management of the business internship as a director of a venture company in Sapporo in 2006.

Joint-stock company established in 2007 Neeth.

Start working and the company’s business start-up company of Hokkaido “human resource development business entrepreneur type,” “restructuring,” sustainable “regional revitalization project.” (Community Business Social Business)

Appointed director of the NPO Bizukafe Sapporo, 2008.

“Certification challenge producer” connect (sponsored by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) the area and young people

Hokkaido Regional Development Study Committee appointed ordinance.

Participate in the management of agricultural production more than one corporation.

Operated by Tokyo University of Agriculture in 2009 project manager of the “Chamber of Commerce Training Course innovator such as agricultural cooperation inaugural” (region of Okhotsk).

Committee appointed “social university business incubation” employment creation business community Cabinet Office 2010

To the present

Lecture (theme)

Participation of residents to realize the way for new public ① (citizen autonomy)

② career education, education for entrepreneurship

Chamber of Commerce in cooperation agriculture etc. ③, for manufacturing

For new rural society in ④ (Rural Regeneration)

Track record of product development, etc.

Perform the operation and planning lecturer (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), a business area based power cooperation, etc. (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), outside the province and local industry business resource utilization (Hokkaido) Chamber of Commerce and Industry Collaboration in agriculture business.


Serve on the Board of Directors of NPO management company and two of four.

Story is “entrepreneurial spirit is? Inherited” it. Mr. Ishii is a crude entrepreneurhimself was You mentioned entrepreneurial spirit, and may be genetic. I will talkabout the entrepreneurial spirit based on the word, gene-gene entrepreneurialpublic servant.



I tell you I received that led to Mr. Ishii, why then entrepreneurship.

I think at the start is “Do not believe that I suffer bad parentheses their own”, having met through the help of entrepreneurs and political activity seems to have becomea big opportunity. From whom the entrepreneur is so delighted by working in thestall-keeper, to work in that, and I noticed that are willing to give joy to someone,and then determination.

I received the message and think “I do not want to work only with people who alsowant to challenge yourself,” that at the end, that important “not to give up” that.Among a variety of go through that, I want to go and not give up that challenge inmind, find that he really wanted to do.
The next is scheduled for May 15! To enjoy!